F1 Extension Request This field is hidden when viewing the formSteps Student RequestThis form should only be submitted within your last 3 months of your I-20. Once you complete this, it will be sent automatically to your advisor who will review your academics and then to International Services who will review immigration guidelines to see if an extension can be granted. With this request, an Indiana Tech International Services DSO will review your entire file. If the request meets the criteria set forth by the Department of Homeland Security’s Customs and Immigration Services for program extensions, the DSO will issue a new I-20. If you qualify, the extensions may only be granted for one or two semesters. Note: Delays due to suspension from school (for any reason), failing grades in multiple semesters, or academic probation/dismissal are not valid reasons for granting an F-1 Extension. If you have been suspended or academically dismissed from Indiana Tech, you will need to request for reinstatement to active process with USCIS (which is a different process). The following documents must be submitted to International Services by the student before an extension can be processed: Extension Request (below) Passport Copy Proof of Financial Support (within the last 6 months) You will need to supply the following amount depending on your degree level: Undergraduate: $44,000 Graduate: $21,000 Sponsor’s Affidavit of Financial Support Sponsors can be anyone that has legal rights over you or someone that financially supports you. Name* First Last Student ID*Student email address* Advisor email address* Major*Degree level* Undergraduate (BA/BS) Graduate (MA/MS) Reason for extension of program* Delay due to a change of major Delay due to documented illness Advisor ResponseExplanation: International students are admitted with an F-1 student visa with an immigration form called the I-20. The I-20 is valid until the anticipated graduation/transfer date, which is noted in the “Program of Study” section of the I-20. This date is usually determined by the normal length of time necessary to complete the degree requirements for which the student has been admitted. Undergraduate students receive 4 years to complete their degree Graduate students receive 24 months to complete their degree Academic Advisor Feedback: The International Services team appreciates any feedback into the student’s academic record. We appreciate if you can shine light onto the following items: List of courses still needed (will be shared with the student) New date of expected program completion Using the courses left and offering schedule, estimate a possible graduation date. NOTE: Delays due to suspension from school (for any reason), multiple failing grades in multiple semesters, or academic probation/dismissal are not valid reasons for granting an Extension of Program. Please note that you are not required to meet with the student regarding this request. You are welcome to meet with the student to discuss the academics however, the extension cannot be guaranteed until International Services has advised since this is directly tied to immigration regulations laid out by Department of Homeland Security’s Customs and Immigration Services. If you have any questions or concerns, please email InternationalServices@IndianaTech.edu. Once you submit this form, the International Services team will take over. We thank you for your help with this! Advisor name First Last Date MM slash DD slash YYYY New date of expected program completion* MM slash DD slash YYYY Courses needed to graduateApproval* I recommend that the student be granted a program extension based on one of the following reasons: having started in remedial courses, change in major/minor, class availability/scheduling issues, or documented health issues. I do not recommend that the student be granted a program extension based on low grades or academic probation/dismissal. Signature